课程内容:无锡沃尔得少儿英语 适用人群:5-12周岁 课程特色: 系统科学:剑桥大学先进课程设计理念,全面培养孩子听、说、读、写四大基本技能 趣味時尚:内容趣味时尚,课堂教学与活动、歌曲等形式相结合,还原真实语言环境 自然拼读:增加语音学习模块,采用国际流行的自然拼读进行教学,发音学习自然、科学、有趣 兼顾文化:跨学科学习,涉及科学、地理、美术、数学等方面,拓宽儿童的眼界,增长知识 评估测试:配有测试用书和自我评估手册,方便学生随堂测试、阶段测验,监测自我学习进度 互动性强:课上课下互动学习,课堂教学与活动、歌曲等形式相结合,还原真实语言环境;互动DVD学习光盘、互动网络学习平台,让孩子们学的“乐”此不疲 考级准备:教材内容完全符合最新考试大纲的要求,将素质教育与能力测评紧密结合,使考生从能力上切实达到考纲的要求 Kid's Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your pupils! This six-level course gives children a confident start to learning English, and makes lessons a joy for teachers. Perfect for general use, Kid's Box also fully covers the syllabus of the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests. New language is presented through amusing stories that your students will adore and practiced with fantastic songs and activities, making the learning process a delight. Key language is continuously revised and recycled, helping to build children's confidence, and a focus on municative activities ensures that children use the language they have learned in a fun, 'no-pressure' context. 李老师